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Always Bet on Celerium: Bringing Data Breach Detection to HIMMS 2025 in Las Vegas


Celerium had a great time at the Healthcare Information and Management Systems Society (HIMSS) Conference from March 3rd to 7th in Las Vegas, speaking to many of our existing customers who were able to visit, but especially being able to reach out to the greater community through direct meetings and a speech on our no-cost Data Breach Defense Program at the Cybersecurity Command Center!

The best part was being able to meet all the attendees and discuss the problems they face in today’s ever-evolving world of cybersecurity and what solutions they are looking for to keep ahead and stay secure. First, we talked to representatives from a tribal health program, the US federal program for all tribal health, who were looking for new technology that is designed for everything from single offices to hospitals and everything in between but split by distance as many on-and off-reservation tend to be. In talking with a pair of tribal health specialists, including a CISO, we offered our industry-quality security and highlighted our work with other organizations that exactly match the issues they’ve been facing but learning that a larger government-led program might be a better methodology to reach these organizations gave us plenty of things to think about going forward in the tribal market!

Vince & JohnVince Crisler, Chief Strategy Officer & Jon Marinaro, Director of Technical Sales in the Celerium Booth at HIMSS25 in Las Vegas

Next were two organizations that couldn’t be farther apart in needs,  with a leader from one of our rural state’s healthcare systems alongside the CIO of a major metropolitan system whose hospital density would put most state organizations to shame! Both, however, were looking for solutions that provided system-wide security at an acceptable cost while comprehensively covering the issues that impact their organizations, including overall security, data breach protection, and reporting that allows the decision-makers to know they’ve chosen well with their technology stacks. Being able to meet with organizations like these two in quick succession proves that there’s a lot that a solution can do and yet that their individual stacks may be wildly different when it comes to other needs.

Director of Technical Sales, John Marinaro at HIMSS 25Jon Marinaro, Director of Technical Sales in the Celerium Booth at HIMSS25 in Las Vegas

Lastly, we talked to a couple of different people from consultant organizations as they’ve been helping all sorts of health organizations tackle compliance as it has evolved to meet the growing threats of data loss, including Personal Health Information (PHI) and Personally Identifiable Information (PII). With those needs greater than ever, our last meeting was with a partner at one of the leading healthcare compliance firms, who provided a lot of insight into how organizations’ CIOs and CISOs require modern automated technology to address the quantity and quality of threats that impact their healthcare organizations, and how Celerium’s Compromise Defender® provides several benefits that tackle many of those specific issues.

HIMSS post BoothThe Celerium Booth at HIMSS25 in Las Vegas

We were happy to see everyone there and are looking forward to meeting more of you at our next events. If we were unable to meet with you at the event or if you want to follow up with us and learn more about Celerium’s Compromise Defender® and how you can get a one-year free instance of our data breach protection, reach out to us today!


Learn more about Celerium’s Data Breach Defense Program and join the program here.