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White Paper: Healthcare Executives' Data Breach Challenges


The white paper highlights the business issues related to data breaches that are becoming bigger challenges for healthcare executives and boards of directors.

Torrance, CA – Celerium Inc. today released a new white paper on data breach challenges facing healthcare executives.

Titled “Data Breaches: Major Challenges for Healthcare Executives,” the white paper highlights the business issues related to data breaches and specific considerations that healthcare executives need to weigh as the data breach epidemic in healthcare continues to worsen.

The Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) tracks data breach activity within the healthcare sector. This “wall of shame,” as it is often called, shows an alarming rate of data breaches impacting healthcare organizations. Over the first four months of 2024, there were an average of 60 data breaches per month – that’s two per day.

Given the rising threat of data breaches in the healthcare industry, the white paper from Celerium tells the story of how Pandora’s box of new challenges facing business executives and board members is starting to open. Specific topics addressed in the white paper include:

  •  The regulatory landscape and how various regulatory bodies (HSS, SEC, FTC, FCC, DHS, and the FHA) are increasing pressure on executives and board members regarding data breaches.
  • The 2024 challenges confronting health care, such as patient data privacy and safety, cybersecurity staffing, and others.
  • The challenges of data breach detection. It takes an average of 255 days to detect a data breach in the healthcare sector.
  • Executive challenges in early data breach detection and the growing executive challenges of data breach response, along with a primer on the importance of early response and containment.
  • Legal peril for business executives and boards. 

"Data Breaches: Major Challenges for Healthcare Executives" is available for free on the Celerium website. Visit Celerium.com to access and download the white paper.